sábado, 17 de junio de 2017

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Do you do it or are you doing it?

  • Present Simple: Routines, facts, planned events in the near future, instructions.
Affirmative sentence: Subject + verb (+s) + the rest of the sentence.

Negative sentence: Subject + do not/ does not + main verb in the infinitive form + the rest of the sentence.

Yes/No Question: Do/Does + subject + main verb in hte infinitive form + the rest of the sentence.

Examples: He plays tennis.
                  She doesn't like going to the supermarket on Sundays.
                  Do you study tenses regularly?

  • Present continuous: An action taking place at the moment of speaking.
Affirmative sentence: Subject + verb to be in the present (am/is/are) + main verb with -ing + the rest of the sentence.

Negative sentence: Subject + am/is/are not + main verb with -ing + the rest of the sentence.

Yes/No Question: Am/is/Are + subject + main verb with -ing + the rest of the sentence.

Examples: He is playing tennis right now.
                 She isn't studying at the moment.
                 Are you cleaning the bathroom? No, I am having a shower now.

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