lunes, 12 de junio de 2017

Past Simple vs Past continuous

Did you do it or were you doing it?

  • PAST SIMPLE: A completed action in the past.
Structure of the sentence: Subject + verb (+ed) + the rest of the sentence.

Negative sentence: Subject + didn't  + verb in the infinitive form + the rest of the sentence.

Yes/No question: Did + subject + verb in the infinitive form + the rest of the sentence.

  • PAST CONTINUOUS: An action that was taking place at some point in the past.
Structure of the sentence: Subject + verb to be in the past (was/were) + main verb with -ing + the rest of the sentence.

Negative sentence: subject + wasn't or weren't + main verb with -ing + the rest of the sentence.

Yes/No question: was/were + subject + main verb with -ing + rest of the sentence.

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